
Welcome to Anti VJTI

A platform to post anything anonymously

Exclusively for the Students of VJTI

I won't brag but It is what it is


The purpose of this platform is to provide a place for the students to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions anonymously

To be honest the above statement is just bullshit, the real purpose is to have fun and talk about stuff that cant discussed in public

If you want to complain ,rant ,discuss ,share ,throw your opinions we got you covered


This platform is not for the faint hearted, we talk about stuff that is not meant for the public eye

Buckle up and get ready to see the real side of VJTI, the side that is not shown to the public

We are not responsible for any of the content posted here, we are just a platform to post stuff


As the name says, it is a platform for the people who are against being normal who like to live on the edge

It was build upon the concept of anonymity and security

Anyone with an valid VJTI email Id can register here


Technically students can put memes, rants,discuss about the college, and anything related to college life anonymously

No one will say that we copied the concept of reddit, but we did, and we are proud of it

We don't want to compare our platform with any other, but we are better than the rest, and we know it


As the question arises of anonymity, as you can see the email and password are stored in HASH format

The credentials you provide are not shared with anyone, not even the developers of this platform

Anything you post here is not linked to your email id, so you can post anything without any fear of being caught

© 2024 Chefs

Made with love by Soham Abhay Atharva Prathamesh Abhi and sync